Shearwater sport complete with time lapse video

Hey everyone, I've finally completed my shearwater sport. It was supposed to be complete by the end of April but better late then never. I decided to do a time lapse video of the build as it is a surprise for my stepmother. I thought it would be neat to include a video showing the boat being built from scratch. You'll notice that the boat changes locations several times. This is due to the fact that I moved partway through the build and then moved it again out of the neighbors garage. Overall, the boat turned out better than I expected, though it is far from perfect. This is my second boat, the first being a Cedar strip canoe and it is far better than the canoe in terms of the fiberglass job and varnish. Like I said, not perfect, but I learned enough that I'm feeling very confident for the next build, which I'm hoping is either a 10' 6" Cedar strip solo canoe or an Adirondack Guideboat. Enjoy the video.

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RE: Shearwater sport complete with time lapse video

Good timelapse.

You show good management of space ;) I had similar issues with not having enough space to go around the boat while building my SH16.

I like the adjustable stands you have.


RE: Shearwater sport complete with time lapse video

   Biggest mistake I had for my SS build was lack of space couple by improper saw horses. I made my own from scrap lumber...should've just called it "crap" lumber...but I got it done, regardless. Part of it was done in the house...part in the garage. Was SOOO much fun moving from one place to the other...then of course all the sanding work outside...

Wonderful video, and the boat looks wonderful! Congratulations!

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