Kaholo as a wedding guest book?

Hi Everyone, 

I am in the process of my first build (kaholo 14) as a gift for my bride to be.  With the wedding coming up, I had this crazy idea of having people at the wedding sign the board rather than a guest book we will never look at again.  Problem is the wedding is 1400 miles away so the board won't be making it there.  

I was trying to think of what I could take out there to have people sign and then permanently affix to the rear deck/transom.  Could people sign rice paper and then epoxy that in?  

I am interested in ideas!




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RE: Kaholo as a wedding guest book?

   Yes you can do signatures or art work on rice paper then put it under the glass cloth .  If the rice paper is under the glass cloth it can not smudge when you sqeegee the resin on the cloth. I prefer to put my rice paper under 2 oz cloth .


RE: Kaholo as a wedding guest book?

Rice paper is  bit delicate for lots of exuberant wedding guests to be signing, especially with unknown inks that may or may not be soluble in epoxy. I'd have them sign normal paper, then scan and transfer the signatures to rice paper via a laser printer.

In addition to not having to worry about the ink smearing on the boat, you can artistically arrange the scanned signatures and have the originals available for a second (or third or fourth) try in case something messes up.

Congratulations to you both,



RE: Kaholo as a wedding guest book?

This is a great idea. Be sure to use    

RE: Kaholo as a wedding guest book?

Sorry, big fingers. As I was saying I know both SNCO and  Kearing Brand makes UV resistant archival marking pens, available at art supply stores. Varnish, varnish, varnish, you don't want them to fade....SEEYA Jack 

RE: Kaholo as a wedding guest book?

Excellent ideas!

Laszlo, I was a concerned for the same reasons. I like the solution. Thanks everyone!  I'll give it a go and let you know how it turns out.  



RE: Kaholo as a wedding guest book?

I guess if the Marriage doesn't work out you can always paint it with Awlgrip.    

RE: Kaholo as a wedding guest book?

   Cut out the piece to be signed, sand it, fit to the boat etc etc. UPS the part to the wedding and UPS it back afterwards.

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