Passagemaker Bulkhead question (take apart)

I am building from plans and I was only able to purchase 2 sheets of the 9mm plywood. The plans call for 2 1 /2 if you are building the take apart version. I have enough material for everything but the 2nd bulkhead for the take apart version. I have plenty of 6mm and 3mm plywood and am wondering if I could laminate these together to give me the 9mm thickness needed for the 2nd bulkhead. I don;t see any structual weakness myself but would like someone's else opinion.



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RE: Passagemaker Bulkhead question (take apart)


You definately can laminate two pieces of ply together and get the equivalent of a thicker piece. Plywood is just glued together plys!

If the expanse of the piece is large, use slightly thicken epoxy to aviod any glue voids. Otherwise spread epoxy on both pieces and clamp together (or wieght them). Try to avoid squeezing out too much glue (and starving the joint) but don't worry about squeezing out exess glue. - good with the feel!!!

Good luck on your biuld,


RE: Passagemaker Bulkhead question (take apart)

   I am unfamilar with the specific boat or its construction. However laminating the two plys to gether should be fine. You could also stiffen up the 6mm with stiffeners, and/or plys of glass fabric.  Laminating the two 6mm and 3mm is probably the easiest.

RE: Passagemaker Bulkhead question (take apart)

   Thanks Joel and Grumpy for the feedback.

I will be doing this today as I just got the panels cut and will rabbit them today. I am hoping to finish this project by December 1st as I am taking the boat to Florida for the winter.


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