It is Finished....sorta

I've completed my first boatbuilding project and quite pleased with the final outcome.

I have quite a bit of woodworking experience and skills but this is my first real introduction to working with epoxy and polyurethane and I can't say that it didn't involve some frustration along the way but as the project was nearing completion I was just then becoming comfortable with working with the two materials. The good news is my next boat will probably go a lot easier with less frustration....and sanding!!

I have a question though....

When I was building it I opted to not include the motor doubler but am now thinking of mounting my Eska 1.2 on it from time to time. The transom is finished with Interlux Schooner Varnish. Can I epoxy directly to this or should I sand the area to the epoxy ? How is this best accomplished?

This boat works great for the flyfishing platform that I was going for and rows effortlessly, big thanks to the folks at CLC for a great design, not to mention the assistance along the way via email!

Here's some pics (hope I have how to post these pics figured out?)

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RE: It is Finished....sorta

   OOPS....looks like it didn't work.... Try again:

RE: It is Finished....sorta

Beautiful boat, and I like the companion in the first picture. Does he/she get to come along?



RE: It is Finished....sorta

nice work.

beautiful boat.


RE: It is Finished....sorta

Beautiful Boat!

No one answered you question. Yes, you must sand through the varnish. If you tape carefully you can preserve your existing varnish.   Of course varnish is a task that will be repeated many times over the years!

RE: It is Finished....sorta

   Thank you for the the nice compliments and the answer to my question, Zack.

No, Ed, He's not welcome in the little too high energy for that size of a craft! Although, I'm sure he could pull me around at a fairly nice speed (He LOVES to swim!) but I'd need to figure out a harness and get a buggy whip I don't think I'd like to flog him with the whip, though!

???? I'm all out of Cabosil. Can I thicken the epoxy with wood flour to make a bedding compound for the motor pad????

RE: It is Finished....sorta

   Yes, wood four will work fine. The engine mount pad is in compression anyway when the motor is mounted.


RE: It is Finished....sorta

   Exactly my thoughts re the compression in use.


Thanks Joel

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