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i am cutting and test fitting the coaming on the Mill Creek. Seems to be a gap of 1/4" between the coaming and the hull near the forward part of the cockpit. Plywood just doesn't like to make the bend?! Any ideas on filling the gap or do I force it with glue and clamps
5 replies:
RE: Mill Creek 16.5 Coaming
Thanks John. That is exactly what is happening. I wasn't sure if adjusting the carlin was correct but I will give it a try. Also if I am reading the instructions correctly I put the coaming rim on the upper edge. Does the Coamingcuttincoaming atthe rear of the cockpit also get this edge? Did you taper the ends at the nose block and where they end near the aft of the coaming?
RE: Mill Creek 16.5 Coaming
Sorry spell checker is messing with me. Do I put the rim on the aft coaming also? And did you taper the ends?
RE: Mill Creek 16.5 Coaming
The "coaming rim" is like the rim of a pot, and it's glued to the outside, upper edges of the coaming.
There's no rim glued to the small athwartships bit of coaming at the stern end of the cockpit.
RE: Mill Creek 16.5 Coaming
So stumbled upon this old thread and glad I did. In the process of fitting the coamings on a mill creek 13 with similar issues.
Was unaware of getting the coaming to sit more vertical. I may look into that.
But interested in the coaming rim since the manual does not specify as John did here(thanks) I was left to my own devices on this and was actually ready to glue the rim on top of the coaming not the side. It adds height to the coaming as would getting the coaming more vertical and I think it's more pronounced aesthetically although probably a more messy difficult glue up.
On a side note I'll be modifying this coaming with a removable section to accommodate a sailrig aka over the fore section. When not in use it will be reinstalled.
Any ideas or experiences to share on this? Thanks PP
RE: Mill Creek 16.5 Coaming
» Submitted by John, CLC - Mon, 12/8/14 » 11:07 AM
If I'm visuallizing what's happening correctly, it could be that the cockpit carlin is canting outboard a few degrees, which has the effect of creating a gap between coaming and deck at the bow end of the cockpit. I've had this happen on Mill Creeks that I built. I used a sharp wood chisel to shave off some of the lower edge of the carlin at the forward end of the cockpit. This allows the coaming to curve gently into a vertical orientation as it slots into the noseblock---gap-free.