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best technique for smoothing inside of strip-built hulls?
I have not found a satisfactory way to smooth the inside of a strip-built hull. Does anyone have a technique they would recommend?
Has anyone tried a convex plane?
6 replies:
RE: best technique for smoothing inside of strip-built hulls?
Howard, excellent suggestions!
Did you find sanding faster than scraping?
RE: best technique for smoothing inside of strip-built hulls?
If you have the room:
ArborTech Countour Random Sander.
I have several of these mounted on electric angle grinders and smaller air die grinders. Not sure what I would do without them.
RE: best technique for smoothing inside of strip-built hulls?
sanding with a high abrasive sandpaper was actually pretty quick. the scrapers, as i mentioned really seemed good for knocking down glue drips that otherwise would gum up the paper.
the boat i did was a night-heron....18 feet it was just a lot of boat. if i looked at the hull only...i think i broke it down into 8 nights (four sections on the left/four sections on the right) and put in an hour or two per section). the middle sections were fairly easy and i was able to use the small ros sander to help.....the ends took longer.
i get kind of zen about the whole thing and just paced myself. when i try to do too much in one session...or use a power tool aggresively...i usually end up doing something i regret.
RE: best technique for smoothing inside of strip-built hulls?
This is the main tool we used on Julie's Redfish King...,310,54888
Works a treat. Hardest thing is to sharpen the cambered iron. Look to chair bottom shaping tools like travishers, scorps and inshaves as posibilities too.
RE: best technique for smoothing inside of strip-built hulls?
spray the back of a sandpaper sheet with spray adhesive and fold it in half .cut into strips for hand sanding this way you dont need a block to sand ,it cuts surprisingly fast
RE: best technique for smoothing inside of strip-built hulls?
» Submitted by hspira - Mon, 2/16/15 » 8:48 AM
let me start by saying, smoothing the interior is one of the more challenging elements of construction becuase the typical labor-saving devices (like ROS sanders and planes) are difficult to apply to the inside of the boat..
that said, there were a couple tools that have helped me along.
overall....i just recognized this phase was going to be labor intensive and just paced myself and over about a week or two got it to a very satisfactory conclusion.
best of luck