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Peeler Skiff Wale Strake - Decorative Cove
I would be interested in the size (width), depth and dimension from the bottom of the strake that builders have used for this feature. Gauging from the photos in the manual, I was thinking that 3/4" from the bottom using a 1/2" diameter bull nose bit would work but would appreciate any input. Also interest to know if anyone is using a roundover bit on the bow, stern and bottom of the strakes and if so what radius bit looks good.
2 replies:
RE: Peeler Skiff Wale Strake - Decorative Cove
Surfer Bill, I really appreciate your input. The idea of splitting the groove ahead of and behind the registration numbers is a very good one. I have reviewed the photos on the CLC site and see that others have had an issue with the numbers and the groove. We also have a 3" height requirement in VA, I guess that is pretty standard.
Thanks again,
RE: Peeler Skiff Wale Strake - Decorative Cove
» Submitted by SurferBill - Thu, 4/9/15 » 10:10 AM
That sounds about right. I would practise with some scrap wood and try a few depths to see what you like. I did mine pretty shallow. One thng that I would reconsider is not running the entire length. Starting and stopping before and after where the registration sticker and numbers go. In NJ the numbers have to be 3 inches and will go over my groove which will be a pain to apply. Might look kind of cool having a short groove up to where the registration stuff starts and then continuing aft. Just a thought though. I left the bottom of my strake sharp - just sandpaper on the edge to slightly round over. I also left my transom top sharp. The CLC Peeler has a pretty large round over and it looks nice. I just slightly rounded over mine, maybe only an 1/8 inch just by hand. For the bow I just rounded everythng by hand.