Damaged Dory rails

I've had my mostly-built Dory stored for a time and now I have pulled it out to work on it.  Sadly the rails have split open at the scarfs and stern.

I'd like to get some ideas on the best way forward.  Try to repair in place with epoxy?  Tear them off and put new ones on?  Here are some photos of the situation.

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RE: Damaged Dory rails





RE: Damaged Dory rails

Not a big deal. Just clean up the cured epoxy as best as possible and glue back into place. Looks like the wood was starved for glue. The end grain of the rails will suck up a lot of epoxy. Some builders spread a thin layer of unthickened epoxy on those joints first, let it soak in, then put in the cabosil or silica mix. I prefer silica, seems to stick better. Just clamp it for a day or two and it'll be fine. Nobody will ever know it split. 

George K


RE: Damaged Dory rails

Isn't cabosil (CAB-O-SIL) a brand name for silica?

Mr. Pedantic



RE: Damaged Dory rails

   Agree it's an easy fix and also that the joints were starved of epoxy because once properly glued with epoxy the wood would fail before the joint. I'm curious about how, under what conditions, the boat was stored.  It appears the end grain along the top of the shear plank is still unsealed plywood.  One thing more, when you re- epoxy the scarfs and rail ends to the boat, clamp them snug but not so tight that you squeeze out all the epoxy. 

RE: Damaged Dory rails

   Tnx for the great tips!

RE: Damaged Dory rails

   Here are the repaired and sanded rails.  Worked out pretty well!




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