Mill Creek 16.5 Launched in Aus


I recently launched my Mill Creek 16.5 kayak and documented the build process in a blog:

It took about 18 months, but I had 3 to 4 months over the winter where I didn't do anything, and also fitted in the work around other projects. It was an enjoyable build and hope to get some good use out of the kayak. I plan on building some removable fishing rod holders, and also a tackle box, as I'd like to do some fishing from it around the waters of Adelaide. I made the front seat cleats longer than normal so I can attach a custom made removable tackle box to it.

Cheers, Justin.

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RE: Mill Creek 16.5 Launched in Aus

   Nice looking Mill Crk, I hope you have fun paddling & fishing.  For my WD12 I built a removable shelf that I attached a rod holder to. 

Years (decades) ago I spent some time around Adelaide.  I lived in Elizabeth, Christies Beach, Paynham... But I have lived back in California for the last 34 years.


RE: Mill Creek 16.5 Launched in Aus

Thanks Ralph. I do know those suburbs.  I Live part way between the city and Glenelg, so not too far from the water. I haven't had the chance to venture across to your side of the world as yet, but we'll be righting that wrong later this year with a 7 week holiday to western USA. Are there any wooden boat attractions/shops on the side of the country worth visiting?

The shelf sounds like a good idea. 




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