NE Dory, Two questions

Firstly, I am at the first Fillet stage. I have just completed wiring all the panels into position, and have adjusted them so the hull is straight. Next I am to fill a mixture of expoxy and other stuff (provided for in the kit, and described in the instructions) into a baggie and apply the first set of fillets on the outside of the hull. Did I read somewhere that people put Painters tape on the inside of the hull to prevent drips and makeing your sanding in later stages easier? or is that not a thing to do?



Secondly. I am contemplating shipping my completed NE dory to norhtern Minnesota for residence. The lakes up there are VERY rocky, even boulder strewn. How will the fiberglass wood combination hold up against rocks. Obviously we wouldn't be intentionally running them up and down a rocky beach, but you sometimes will scrape against a hidden boulder or beach up on a rocky beach. Should I consider having an aluminium hull plate made?

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RE: NE Dory, Two questions

Hey Pat
If your Fillets drip they aren't thickened enough. But, painters tape is a big help getting nice clean edges on fillets. Put tape on both sides at the line where the edges of your fillet will fall. I use tape sometimes but for the big fillets on my Dory I just went for it. Taping is pretty time consuming but if you are like Moonchaser you’ll probably want to do it. Pull off the tape Before the epoxy really sets up.

Filling the baggy is easier if you shove it in a container and wrap the open end around the container lip. I found slow hardener advantageous on the larger fillets because A) they take so much time and B) having a big blob-o-goo in the baggie concentrates the reaction heat and speeds up the “kick” time.

I wouldn’t consider a metal plate on my boat even for a second. I'm in the Chesapeake Bay and have oyster shells slashing at my boat. According to the scratches on my hull the high wear areas are the pointy end and 6” back from there. I layered on a second sheet of glass on that leading triangle. The skeg takes liberal abuse. Again I’ll refer to Moonchaser - you can do a search for that user name in the forum and look for a link to his Picasa album. He has a slick way of epoxying a sacrificial rope to the skeg. As for my approach, I just keep an eye on it and slather it with a mix of epoxy, Cab-O_Cil and graphite when it needs attention.

If you do have harsh beaching conditions consider coating the entire hull below the waterline with that mix of Cab-O-Cil and graphite. The epoxy book I read said it was UV stable and would not have to be painted. That will make it easy to keep touched up, wish I’d done that on my boat. Would like to hear from several folks here on how it holds up.

As Laszlo has noted, building one of these boats also informs you on how easy to repair they are.

Keep-a-pluggin’ Pat, you’re getting to the fun part!



RE: NE Dory, Two questions

Hey Pat,

I'll second a lot of what Eric said.  I used West System 423 (before I worked for West Marine) for abrasion and UV resistance.  So far, after about 30 outings on a rocky beach, it's probably caused more damage to the rocks than it's taken.  Keep in mind there are various mixtures of epoxy, Cab-o-sil, and graphite, depending on the layer and your intended need.  If you search this forum for "graphite", you'll end up with an hour of great reading, especially from Laszlo.  Good luck!

RE: NE Dory, Two questions

Here is a link to the a site with pictures of the shore line this thing will live in. You can see how rocky it is.


I think the aluminum idea is silly, I will look at adding a second layer of FG to the hull or one of the other options listed above. Thanks guys.


RE: NE Dory, Two questions


A couple things, both are ideas that are kudos to other builders:

1) Thanks to Eric for the comment on "my" rope techinque...actually I got the idea from Chuck at Duckworks, here is the article he recommended

And here is a link that points to the beginning of my build pics on this topic:

2) On bottom abrasion, I agree the bottom/bow intersection and 12' back and 6" up is where I got 80% of my scratches...the trailer also caused some scratches.  I am doing OK with just layers of glass and epoxy because I was in a hurry but other builders swear by graphite in the resin, or a layer of kevlar instead of glass...which had I had more time I may have may want to search this forum for kevlar also (and graphite)


RE: NE Dory, Two questions


The two layers of glass cloth and epoxy under Interlux Brightsides have worket well when dragging my boat on and off pebbly beaches with shells. I'm not so sure how long that would hold up on rocks.

For abrasion resistance, Dynel fabric and epoxy are superior to carbon fiber and much easier to work with and less expensive than Kevlar. Covered with Interlux Perfection Two Part Polyurethane, it should be very durable.


RE: NE Dory, Two questions

   Second Dick's Dynel suggestion. It can be a pain to conform around corners and a little hard to feather into the glass. Hum, maybe that's why it's so effective. You'll probably only want it as a second layer on the first 6 to 12 inches at the bow. I had not the patience to fit it to the skeg.

Look in the "Righting a NE Dory" thread close to the top of forum page and follow the Duckworks link. That yellow fender/flotation/beach roller might be just the ticket for your Beautiful rocky shores.

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