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Northeaster Dory build in Texas
I fully inteneded on posting as i built but time gets away from you. I bought my Kit in July 2014, as a way to pass the time while i recovered from an illness. I love to build things but couldnt do anything strenuous so i figured this would be a nice project. Unfortuantely as i felt better and better i took on bigger projects and this got moved to the back burner so it has taken longer than it should have. But ill post everything ive learned up til now. I hope you enjoy.
14 replies:
RE: Northeaster Dory build in Texas
I Fiberglassed the interior in sections. Im not sure if this is ok, but ive got little kids running around and never could get enough time to do all of the interior at once. What i did learn is CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN after you spread the epoxy. It will save you days! Have a small jar of denatured alcohol and plenty of rags. Come back after an hour or so and clean up again. Im suffering through sanding off runs and globs now.
RE: Northeaster Dory build in Texas
One thing I modified was to Dado out the rail so that it over lapped the top of the hull and I also made the rails come to a point at the bow. It added more work than I thougth and ill probably smash the bow on the first trip out. But oh well. thats life
RE: Northeaster Dory build in Texas
To make the Thwarts, I cheated. I screwed the patterns to the boards and used a flush trim bit on my router to make them exact copies. They fit pretty good. The rear seat didnt fit at all so ive got to figure something out on that.
RE: Northeaster Dory build in Texas
The rails i taperd with a rough cut with a jig saw, It was a little squirelly, i almost screwed it up. Finished it with an hand plane and sanded the rail with a long strip of sand paper to roll the edges.
I would recommend getting the rails squared up with a sander before you glue them to the boat. its hard to get all the goops off on the bottom of the rail. Again i probably could have avoided it by cleaning up a little better
Now I plan on doing some sanding after two coats of expoy then proably one or two more coats of expoy then sand and varnish.
RE: Northeaster Dory build in Texas
Nice accent on the staining, looks like it's coming along well!
Where in Texas are you located? I also built a dory, live between Fredericksburg and Kerrville TX. Would be cool to find some other dory owners in TX and meet up at a lake somewhere.
RE: Northeaster Dory build in Texas
second Coat of epoxy is on. Its looking ok, but i see some cellofill epoxy that i missed. CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN! you cant tell cello fill from clear epoxy once you sand it so you just have to wait to find out if you got it all.
Im going to have to sand those spots back down to the wood. In the laps the cellofill looks milky too, so Im probably going to try to stain some wood floour red and fillet those over again.
I had a few bubbles in the epoxy too that ill have to sand down, I was using a torch to quickly run over the surface to pop the bubbles but i missed a few spots.
RE: Northeaster Dory build in Texas
» Submitted by thinder - Wed, 7/29/15 » 10:01 AM
Im going to try to stain and varnish the outside, so i stained all of the planks except for one on each side before i glued them together.