sheer stip

What is the reason people say to have one square edge for the sheer strip if you are using bead and cove? I built a micro bootlegger and can't figure out why I did this. To me did not see the reason .

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RE: sheer stip

to make a long story short, when you are enclosing a space in a strip built with bead and cove, you typically want cove facing cove (for outlining the space....and then you fill in the space)  the basic spaces that you have in a strip built boat is the upper half and the lower half (which is defined by the sheer line).  and in many patterns, the centerline, as well.  so since you cant glue cove to cove (or bead to bead). you need a square edge for on the strips that mate at these reversal points. 

so typically the mating strips of the hull and deck are squared  where they meet so they will mate properly when you eventually put the halfs together, since you are starting with strips that are already coved and beaded, you typically cut off the bead edge and square it.   and the cove side of the deck shear piece faces the centerline of the deck and cove side of hull shear piece faces the centerline of the hull.

hope that helps




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