RSS sail on a Northeastern Dory

�Does anyone have experience with the 89 sf RSS sail on the Dory? Performance and mast length recommendations? Thanks Bobby Mac

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RE: RSS sail on a Northeastern Dory

   Anyone have any idea what an RSS sail is?

RE: RSS sail on a Northeastern Dory

���Sorry, Michael offers an 89 sf lug rig sail that has been used on at least 0ne NE dory with good results. I was wondering if anyone else has tried this. I am close to ordering my sail.

RE: RSS sail on a Northeastern Dory

���This sail is available from Duckworks. It is designed for their OZ racer.

RE: RSS sail on a Northeastern Dory

I buikt a sail to thise specs and it works well. SEEYA Jacdk   

RE: RSS sail on a Northeastern Dory

I buikt a sail close to the RSS size and it works well. Only problem with RSS is that they qre creased when thay fold them for shipping and it's hard to get the creases out. SEEYA Jack   

RE: RSS sail on a Northeastern Dory

   What length of Mast did you use for this? was it longer than the CLC design?

I am considering a hollow mast design with the 8 sided birds mouth concept, about 1/2 inch wall, tapered from 2.5 at widest point to 1.5" across the flats at the top.  Bobby Mac 

RE: RSS sail on a Northeastern Dory

I will be real intersted in how it works out.  I read a similar article and ther results seem to be enhanced performance without any downside.


RE: RSS sail on a Northeastern Dory

I, too, would love to hear more about how this works out. One thing I love about the lug rig for the NE Dory. Is that the mast, spars, and sail can all fit inside the boat while one is out rowing. The mast is short and light enough that it can be set up while on the water. Would this also be true of the larger sails?   

RE: RSS sail on a Northeastern Dory

���Back to the N E Dory lug rig options, I am still debating which sail, the 62 sf CLC, the 79 sf sail for the Southeastern Dory Mainsail or the 89 sf RSS sail from Duckworks. Has anyone else considered or tried the 79 sf or 8o sf sails on the N E Dory.

RE: RSS sail on a Northeastern Dory

   I've been using the standard 62 sail and have been quite pleased with it. The boat gets up to speed easily in light air, yet it can still be handled when the wind starts to blow.

My concern about a larger sail would be this: Can you still fit the mast, spars, and sail inside the boat with enough room to sit comfortably on the thwarts and row? The equipment for the 62 does fit, but there is not a lot of room to spare. 

If you wish to switch on the water from rowing to sailing, this is crucial!

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