Surface fungal damage

Another novice calamity:

I bought my okoume ply back in October but hadn't had a chance to do anything with it until today. Immediately after it arrived, I opened the pack to give it a quick check over, then closed it back up (loosely), raised the whole thing up on 4x4s and covered it with a polythene sheet and a new tarp. I live in the desert, but from the day the wood arrived we've had rain & humidity—so you can tell what's coming next.

When I got it out today all the sheets were speckled with fungal spots upto about 1cm in diameter (not all over, but part of one surface of each sheet & some edges). There's no wood damage visible to the naked eye yet.

I have wiped everything down with dilute (1:20) bleach solution, hoping that will arrest the damage, and everything's air-drying at the moment. When it's as dried as long as daylight permits I'll stack it again—this time without the cardboard carton, and with 2x4 spacers between sheets—and tarp it. Now I need advice:

First, can I save the wood? Even if the bleach has done the job it will have no residual effect, so what should I do next? CPES all over? Something else? Or is it a lost cause & money down the drain?

Second, How should I have stored the panels, and how should I be storing them now? I have no suitable inside storage (but the weather has, mercifully, warmed up and dried out for now).

Thanks in advance for any help you can give,

Paul M

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