choice of varnish: Le Tonkinois

Does someone has an experience with the Le Tonkinois varnish ?

I am planning to use is it for a final coat on my Wood duck 10 (above and below the waterline).


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RE: choice of varnish: Le Tonkinois

It's an oil, not a varnish. If you've glassed and epoxied your boat, an oil will not work.

Oils are meant to be absorbed into the wood pores  to fill them and block water from entering. You've already filled the pores with epoxy, covered them with glass and put even more epoxy on top of that, So not only is there no point in oiling the boat, the oil will probably just run off and make a mess.

Leave the oil for raw wood and use paint or varnish for epoxy/glass covered wood.

Have fun,



RE: choice of varnish: Le Tonkinois

I have used it -- I believe it was the LeTonkinois Number One -- on a Kaholo I built a few years ago.  I really like it and will be using it on a Guillimot I'm currently finishing.

It builds up quickly and I found it easier to apply than Interlux Varnish.  It is a clearer finish that does not have the slight amber tint that Interlux has. 

Regards,  Mike

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