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Eastport pram -van tray carrying questions
Hi John, and fellow pram owners: can you give me your thoughts on this?
We have the Eastport pram sail rig, and a tall 19' long 102 " high chevy 3500 Roadtrek mini rv . the Chevy rear width is 8 ft. . The roof has a TV antenna , and opening AirCon and fan vents, so a roof carry of any boat is just not possible. We do have a trailex trailer (for our CLC Skerry and the pram.) We find it very cumbersome to drive the rv - plus - trailer rig , as the combined length makes lane switches, camping, parking and navigating very difficult. We've customized the mast for the sail rig so it fits inside.
We have a very heavy duty trailer mount as factory equipment on the van ( hitch is rated for 6,000#) . since the weight on the pram is about 62 #, it's easily accomodated by the strength of our trailer hitch. for long trips, we'd like to to carry the pram, completely custom-covered and with hull to the rear, resting on one of its sides in a custom made tray-style mount. pram length of 6' 6" would lie lengthwise across the back of the van, pram width runs vertically with upper side suppported aainst rear doors of the van . we propose to attach a rear tray to the trailer hitch assembly, and build the tray up with wood and foam padding to receive and cushion the pram, protect agaisnt road splash and dirt, and hold her securely. the pram would fasten securely, with double retaining straps through eyebolts, going from rear to front of the carrying tray . I assume there would be some road vibration transmitted to the pram from resting on her side. she'd be shielded from wind by the high van body. can the sides of the eastport take this road stress without buckling ? (i'm thinking of using modified Euler column equations for buckling strength assuming center seat performs as a column..)
all thoughts welcome, as usual. the trip we are planning for late summer is several thousand miles . we'd love to have the sail rig pram with us. but taking her on the the trailer is just not an option. i'd love to get this figured out. (we'll show up at the Okumefest next spring to demonstate...)
fair winds,
The Eagle Scout, Eastport Pram sailrig (sister to The Eaglet, CLC skerry No. 1, and tender to Eagle's Wing, a non-CLC sailboat)
1 reply:
RE: Eastport pram -van tray carrying questions
» Submitted by Birch2 - Wed, 10/5/16 » 8:37 AM
Maybe you can make some bracing that runs from one rail to the other -- effectively making the pram into a sturdy box.