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I was wondering if anyone has been to the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum challenge race in the past. I went and participated with my Annapolis Wherry last summer but I was the only one in the single sliding seat class. The bad part was that I was the only one. The good part was that I won my class. It would be fun to have others show up this year (Sunday, July 10th) if you're in the area. The biggest classes are the six oared coxed gigs and St. Ayles skiffs; lots of fun being out on the lake with them. They also have classes for canoes and kayaks. Basically any human powered boat.
3 replies:
RE: Vermont Rowing
My wife and I raced our 2 shearwaters in the sea kayak division 2 summers ago. There are usually a number of kayaks but a dearth of sliding seat rowing boats. Occasionally there is a guy in his surfski who destroys the entire field. The year I was there, a high end outrigger canoe made an appearance.
We really like the maritime museum. I wish more people came out for this. We just had our first child so this one wasn't in the cards this year.
RE: Vermont Rowing
Mark Dietz is a fake. He is part of that group that prowls forums and then generates plausible-sounding responses that contain a link to a "paper mill" (a business that writes papers for high school and college students to plagiarize). That's why he mentions a bogus race that doesn't actually exist.
With that kind of reference, you've got to wonder about the quality of their products. My wife the college professor says that paper mill papers stick out like a sore thumb (and they're an automatic F).
I keep reporting these yokels to the moderator, but it's time to make the builders aware of this before someone spends a ton of money on a vacation for an event that does not exist.
RE: Vermont Rowing
» Submitted by KenH - Tue, 6/7/16 » 10:10 AM
Hi Mark, I am a Vermont resident but I don't know of any other single seat, wherry type rowing races in state other than the weekly sculling race series at the Craftsbury Outdoor Center. Brought this topic up in the hope of finding other wherry rowers in the area that might want to gather.