Final epoxy Skim coat tips

Getting real close to completing my Shearwater Sport. Anybody have any tips how to apply the final two skim coats? How much should I sand in between them?

Also, i've noticed that the half-gallon container of MAS epoxy resin that I  just opened in May is filled with large cubes or blocks of hardened resin -- it almost looks like ice. Any idea what causes this? Should I complain to MAS or CLC as the remaining resin appears to be unusable. There appears to be at least a two or three cups of semi-solid resin remaining.

Thanks, Mark

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RE: Final epoxy Skim coat tips

Someone left his epoxy out in the cold.

It's very common and absolutely no problem. Simply put the jug into hot water to melt the crystals and refresh the resin. It may take several hot water baths if the crystallization is extensive. When it happens to me, I just open the hot water tap and let it run until the water stops heating up any more, then fill the utility sink and put the jug in. I usually have to figure out some way to weigh the jug down so it won't float.

If the epoxy in the jug is crystallized, so is the epoxy in the pump. I like to take the pump off, put it in a couple of nesting ziploc bags and put it into the sink with the jug.

Occasionally swirl the jug to mix the contents and replace the water as it cools down. Eventually all the crystal will melt and your resin will be as good as new.

Don't complain to MAS or CLC. Do read the Shop Tips (link at top of page). They have a section on Epoxy and Cold Weather and another on Filling the Weave, as well as lots of other topics.

Have fun,



RE: Final epoxy Skim coat tips

   Thanks, Lazlo. I also left my cake out in the rain, but that's another song entirely.....

RE: Final epoxy Skim coat tips

   Usually around this time of year there are some hot days where if the resin is just left out of doors it will heat up enough.  Kinda obvious, but I  live in Canada where the hot water is just as hot, and just as likely to need several cycles to work, but that first hot day is nothing that special but will soak in and re-liquify the epoxy. I would imagine results in the lower 48 would be even more positive.


I always wondered whether using the liquid epoxy was a problem did it upset the balance of the remaining resin to an extent where it would be a problem.  So far my experience with a variety of resins is one can use the stuff that is licquid, and meltout the stuff that is not when convenient.  But it seems wrong, it would be great to know for sure.

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