Matching Stain Before / After Epoxy

Following the suggestion from CLC, I stained the hull panels of a Petrel SG and applied a light, protective layer of epoxy over the stained surface prior to assembly. The hull's interior has been glassed, the chines have been rounded and restained, and I'm set to glass the exterior.

There's a visual difference between the restained areas and those portions of the hull not affected by the chine work (see pic). The color matches, but I want to ensure that the duller character of the restained areas doesn't persist through the glassing stage.

My hunch is that this visual difference will become transaparent with glassing, but I'm considering applying a thin layer of epoxy over the restained areas just to be safe, with the idea that I'll let it cure prior to fiberglassing.

Thoughts about this? Am I being overly paranoid, or???



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RE: Matching Stain Before / After Epoxy

Ah - forgot to attach the pic and this forum's software doesn't allow file attachment. Very 1980s.

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