Unlaced foot for the dory lug sail

does anyone sail the dory lug rig with an unlaced foot using the boom dimensions provided with the kit? Any thoughts, comments. I like the looks of an unlaced sail and was wondering if it changes anything

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RE: Unlaced foot for the dory lug sail

   Andy -

I would consult with CLC on that.  John Harris makes brief mention in his blog entitled "Lug Nuts" about how the boom needs to be much stronger if the sail is loose footed  <http://www.clcboats.com/life-of-boats-blog/lug-nuts-lug-rigs.html> 

On the NE Dory lug rig the boom and spar are identical, and rather slender at that.



RE: Unlaced foot for the dory lug sail

It obviously changes things. A laced boom is supported at multiple points along its length. An unlaced boom is being bent at both ends and the middle. Thus, it needs to be stronger. But how much stornger? That depends on how much wind you sail in and whether you reef your sail.

The worst case scenario is that you break your boom and have to suffer through a long row home and the labor of creating a new boom.

RE: Unlaced foot for the dory lug sail

A loose-footed sail can not only look nice without all the wrinkles at the grommets, but it's also a safety factor and another important input on sail trim.  The curvature or belly of the sail can power up or down the lug which can be controlled by leech tension.  If lashed, that is no longer adjustable.

Regarding strength, the loads on the yard are much more than on the boom, which are largely in compression.  In fact, my yard bends so much when the sail is properly trimmed that I'm thinking about making it an I-beam construction.

My Eastport Pram's lug sail has been an interesting experiment/education for this old marconi rig sailor.

RE: Unlaced foot for the dory lug sail

   Thanks for the insight guys. I'll give it a try with my standard boom and see what happens, I can always build another

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