Glueing in a minicell seat

I saw a posting a while ago about cutting a small notch in the center of the base of the minicell seat to allow water to freely escape from under it.  I wonder is it is possible to keep the water out  from under the minicell seat in the first place or does water always seem to find some way in?



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RE: Glueing in a minicell seat

I eventually realized water will always find a way.

On my next boat I will not glue the seat to the bottom. Instad I will cut notches on the sides of the seat. Those notches then will snap around the hip braces plates to hold the seat in place. As a result the seat will be easily removable for cleanup etc. and also may be used as an emergency paddle float (if I add small bungies on the bottom part of the seat)

RE: Glueing in a minicell seat

Velcro tape works reasonably well to hold a seat in place in a manner such that it is still easily removable.


Ogata (eric)

RE: Glueing in a minicell seat

I used velcro to hold Happy Bottom in position on CH17LT in which I did not install hip braces. So far I haven't bothered velcro-ing the HB into my Shearwater because it jams in pretty tight between the hip braces anyway. It would be useful to tape down though, when trying to climb in and launch from any place that is difficult (high dock, ladder from the stern of a boat) it is possible to knock the seat out of position, requiring some rather silly looking kayak-yoga to regain proper bottom happyness. If for some reason the boat went bottoms-up and you came out, velcro (or glue, or whatever, ...) might help to keep your Happy Bottom where you want it.

Loose fitting seat is highly adjustable. Velcro tape can be attached in a manner such that seat is adjustable over some range. You may want to play around with the fore/aft positioning of the seat to see where the boat is trimmed for you before proceeding with any method of attachment that requires commitment.


Ogata (eric)

RE: Glueing in a minicell seat

Hey Wordsmith,

Happy launching! Don't forget to take lots of pics! :)


Ogata (eric)

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