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Okoumefest through the decades
In the anouncement for Okoumefest, John reminds us that this is the 20th Okoumefest. That hardly seems possible, but digging through my archives I found this picture (taken with a film camera) from 2002, showing the second appearance of the Skerry at Okoumefest back when it used to be at Camp Letts in Mayo. The Skerry was there the previous year sporting a boomless sprit. Here, it had been switched over to having a boom, the way it's sold today.
BTW, that's the classic model Jimmy Skiff behind it, not a mizzen sail for the Skerry.
So I guess it really is possible that 20 years have gone by.
Here's the new shop, just barely finished and cleaner (and emptier) than it ever would be again in 2011.
Ed's office was not quite done.
And in the back of the shop was this odd-looking sleek beast.
Years before, back in the old shop, this kid was teaching us how to varnish. One of the most useful lessons I ever had.
Back at Camp Letts, all sorts of strange things were happening.
Including people growing sprits out of their heads (beats shaping wood).
And boats getting drunk
So I guess it really has been 20 years. I'm really lookig forward to seeing everyone again.
And don't forget to buy your raffle tickets. It'll be the best CLC purchase you'll ever make, even if you don't win a kit.
3 replies:
RE: Okoumefest through the decades
Thanks for the reminder, Laszlo. Raffle tickets purchased.
See y'all soon!
RE: Okoumefest through the decades
» Submitted by Yambo - Sun, 4/22/18 » 8:58 AM
Twenty, twenty one years on the Skerry is still a lovely little boat without an ugly line anywhere. I'm so happy that it was my first choice of boat to build 4 years ago. I didn't realise it was that old a design to be honest. My Skerry is unique in this part of the world and never ceases to get admiring comments from those who see it.
I'm not intending to build anything next winter so I'll have little to do around this time next year. Maybe I'll book a trip to America and come to next year's Okoumefest . . .
Have fun everybody!