Passagemaker Gunter Sloop w/ Wooden Mast - Mainsail Grommets

I just finished my mainsail kit from Sailrite and am very happy with the results (the jib I made first, not so much).  Anyway, the directions call for adding grommets along both the head and the luff of the sail about every foot or so.  I can see where that makes sense along the head because you have to lace the sail to the yard, but there's nothing to lace the luff to.  I've happily gone with the wooden mast option that John provided for us, but I don't thing that really affects this unless you're supposed to add parrels through the grommets so it slides up the aluminum pole.  I could do that if needed/advised.  BTW, I just shot Sailrite the same question.

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RE: Passagemaker Gunter Sloop w/ Wooden Mast - Mainsail Grommets

We rigged our PMD as a lug, so we skipped all the gunter rig stuff.  However, looking at the building manual now, the only reference I can find to attaching the mainsail luff to the mast is the "diagram for sailmakers" on page 110.  This shows two grommets on the luff (looks about equidistant to divide the luff in even thirds between the tack and throat), and the callout there says "grommets on full for mast lacing."

I looked through the photo galleries for an example, but I was unable to come up with a photo showing enough detail to confirm that.  Bright sun + white rope + aluminum mast seems to be a pretty good stealth combination that way.

The luff is pretty short.  I reckon simple lacing would work without creating an overabundance of spaghetti--only three turns, tack to grommet 1, grommet 1 to grommet 2, and grommet 2 to throat.   Hope that helps.


RE: Passagemaker Gunter Sloop w/ Wooden Mast - Mainsail Grommets

I meant "...grommets on luff..."  Maybe I'm getting dyslexic in my old age.

RE: Passagemaker Gunter Sloop w/ Wooden Mast - Mainsail Grommets

Thanks, Michael.  Jeff from Sailrite suggested I decide whether to install the luff grommets after I take her sailing.  Unfortunately, I already installed them according to the directions.  At worst, I'll install a set of parrels or three.

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