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Well not really IN the rain but in a shed when it's precipitating profusely outside.
I have put 2 coats of International Pre-kote on the exterior hull of my MC16 over the weekend when it was beautiful and dry, now a front has moved in and we have constant rain and humidity of 64%.
I was going to sand and put on the first coat of brightside today but should I wait until the weather improves and the air dries out a bit? I heard that prekote stuff soaks up the moisture a bit?
Also, any tips on applying brightside? I intend to use the yellow foam rollers. I've read about tipping out bubbles with a foam brush - just how many of these bubbles can I expect? A handfull or a couple of hundred over the boat?
6 replies:
RE: Painting in the rain
There's a 300-pixel width limit on pictures posted here to make them fit into the gratuitously narrow porthole that this web server software enforces. I don't understand why with my 1650 pixel wide screen I'm forced to look at a postage stamp, but until CLC changes to a more modern and user-friendly display we're stuck with it.
In the meantime, right click and "view image" will display the entire picture.
Good luck with the paint job,
RE: Painting in the rain
Thanks for the info Laszlo,
The forum is a fantastic resource for us budding builders but does appear to be a bit antiquated. I too have a lot of wasted real estate on my 1920 wide iMac. Photo's enhance forums so much, it's a pity this particular one is so cumbersome to use. I remember they (CLC) 'updated' the forum about a year ago, maybe it's time for another update. I for one would really like to see a preview post and/or edit post function.
and back on topic... was going to paint today but work got in the way.
Rain gone - paint on
Hi again,
Just thought I would post some MC16.5 paint shots. I am quite happy with the result. Thanks to Wordsmith and others for their tips. However I must say I didn't need to to do any tipping with foam brush as I didn't encounter any bubbles - maybe I was doing it wrong or the paint gods were smiling on me. I used the yellow foam rollers cut in half to apply all coats, and yes there were hundreds of tiny bubbles but within maybe half a minute to a minute they all disappeared and left a smooth surface, smooth enough for me anyway.
Next step is to flip her over and sand/varnish the deck, and then LAUNCH! It's only been a year.
Also, a big thanks to ChrisJ. Seeing the flickr build set of his Mill Creek was the inspiration for building mine (hope you don't mind me pinching your colour scheme - unless either of us crosses the equator there's no chance of being seen together :-)
RE: Painting in the rain
» Submitted by Hally - Mon, 4/6/09 » 12:09 AM
Hey thanks for the tips Wordsmith - really appreciate it. Had a look at your craft too - well done, she's a beauty!
This is mine sanded and ready for the pre-kote. Will post some more shots in coming days, hopefully with a nice clean shiny blemish free paint job!
p.s. Are there any other CLC builders down here in Oz or NZ?