Wood Duck Class Opportunity in Minnesota


I am setting up a Wood Duck build opportunity for boys and girls ages 12 -18.

Would any adults/families be interested in a similar opportunity?  I have limited space (leased storefront) and if we can get people accounted for before the sale ends - we could have all the kits shipped to one address.

I would like to stick with the wood duck series of boats for these first few builds - just so we can all learn together.

I believe costs would be similar as to a class (kit and supplies cost + $800 per student, $400 for each helper).  We could plan for build events a few months from now - or even into the summer.

I have only built the CLC Teardrop Camper - so I do have experience - albiet limited.

Let me know and maybe we can get something put together.

John Hodnefield

Andover, MN

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