I finished a NE Dory about 8 months ago, and two kayaks since. I'm living about 15 miles north of San Antonio. No experience with Southwester, but otherwise happy to be of any help. I might gift you a bunch of spring clamps if you're close by, or for the price of shipping. That would help to convince me to spend more time using the boats I have instead of building more - at least for a while.
RE: Southwester in Texas?
» Submitted by Bubblehead - Fri, 11/30/18 » 11:31 AM
RE: Southwester in Texas?
» Submitted by - Fri, 11/30/18 » 10:51 AM
I finished a NE Dory about 8 months ago, and two kayaks since. I'm living about 15 miles north of San Antonio. No experience with Southwester, but otherwise happy to be of any help. I might gift you a bunch of spring clamps if you're close by, or for the price of shipping. That would help to convince me to spend more time using the boats I have instead of building more - at least for a while.