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Good morning, returning CLC builder here that needs some direction. I am trying to decide between the Sassafras and Mill Creek Hybrid as a winter project. I want to use the boat for fly fishing here in the Adirondacks, which both are more than capable to support. One down side, I am a large person, 6'4, 280. I will cast sitting down, so the ability to stand to cast like in salt water is not critical, but clearly stability is. The sassafras is 39 inches at the water line while the Mill Creek is more narrow, but is known to be incredibly stable. I like the ability to add the sail rig to the MIll Creek, but the lines and look of the lapstrake construction of the Sassafras is another draw. Appreciate any in field reports, and ideas. And it is good to be back.
5 replies:
RE: Sassafras vs Mill Creek
Here is my 2 cents, for what it’s worth. I'm 6'2" and 250, and I built a Mill Creek Hybrid a few years back and have found it to be exceptionally stable. I mostly use mine to take my toddler out, and I’ve never even come close to flipping, even when he decides to suddenly hang over the side.
I’ve never fly fished before, but when I fish, I prefer sitting down low in a Kayak as opposed to having a higher center of gravity in a canoe. However, storing a rod in the Mil Creek might be a challange due to the deck. Lashing it to the deck or adding an after rmarket pole holder would solve this.
Lastly, if you do go with the Mill Creek, I highly recommend adding the rudder kit. It really makes a huge difference in how easy the boat is to move around when you're going solo.
RE: Sassafras vs Mill Creek
���It depends on if you are looking at a Sassafras 12 or 16. I built a 12 years ago for my nephew. It would work for me at 6' 1", 200 lbs but not at much room as I liked in a canoe. If I was doing a canoe for myself, it'd be the 16. I just am not a decked canoe sort. I paddled an Old Town Discovery 16 for years, often by myself. I had a good j stroke. I like the flexibility and capacity of an open canoe. You can always get flotation bags and tie them in if you are tackling big water. The new Sassafras is supposed to be easier than the Mk.1 to build. It will track better than my Old Town and lighter. My 12 came in on the spec weight so if you build the 16 right it should be the spec weight, which is lighter than a plastic of the same size. I used to stand to cast in my discovery but sit for retrievals.
RE: Sassafras vs Mill Creek
Hi, A late reply for you. I built a Mill Creek 13 & a Sassafras 12. And I fly fish here in New Zealand. (We have big trout here) I am 6 ft 2 ins 210 lbs. The Mill Creek 13 is slightly more stable though the Sassafras12 being lighter is easier to paddle & more room. Mill Creek would be better with rod holders as there is not much room for a 9ft fly rod. Sassfras is my favourite. Maybe consider the longer versions if the length is not a factor. I am happy with my kayaks. Have fun
RE: Sassafras vs Mill Creek
» Submitted by Laszlo - Tue, 12/4/18 » 12:41 PM
Two things stand out for me in the comparison - the deck on the Mill Creek and the weight of the Sassafras. If one or the other of those is important to you, that could tell you which way to go.
Another possibility for a man your size is the WD14. Stable, easy to build and lots of room for you and your catch.
Have fun,