The Most Peculiar Client


Thank you for the most entertaining article so far this year (OK, so it's a small field at this point but it's still very good). I've missed your blog recently. Here's hoping that you have more time to post this year.

I love the design you came up with, too bad it's not going to make it into the catalog. I found myself looking at it and thinking, "Yeah, that's what I want in a boat" (though I'm partial to a rig like the original PocketShip's).

Happy New Year,





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RE: The Most Peculiar Client

Lovely piece.  John should write a book (right, I his hypothetical spare time); it would help us miss Phil Bolger less.

Wonder if he's seriously thinking about building it for himself?  I hope so.  By all means, leave off the accursed engine; more trouble than it is worth.  (This from a fellow who's Sea Pearl 21 was motorless for all but 3-1/2 of the 22 years she had him; there was a whole lot of no-octane adventure in those seasons.)  Carry more anchors, books, brandy, and cigars instead.  Oh, and lots of blessed rope.  A sailboat can have too many ropes, but you can't have too much rope.  <;-)


RE: The Most Peculiar Client


RE: The Most Peculiar Client


Do it. Make a semi-weekly YouTube feature on construction progress, which pays ad revenue and serves as an advertisement for CLC boats. There are plenty of channels detailing construction of all sorts of things, and a large boat of a new design should certainly be popular. If you change from strip-built to glued-lapstrake, it would be even better as an advertisement since closer to CLC's standard fare. The boat would pay for itself. All visitors to CLC HQ are now offered an opportunity to sand subassemblies (1/2 hour block signups), which saves you time.


RE: The Most Peculiar Client

This is such a great, multidimensional article. I read it three times. I think my favorite part is learning about what somebody with so much more experience and knowledge looks for in a last-boat sort of boat. 

RE: The Most Peculiar Client

Yes, I too thoroughly enjoyed the article.  For just a minute, I was wondering who the client was and why John was talking about his relationship so candidly, but then I remembered it was John we're talking about here.  Nice twist at the end, kind of like Usual Suspects...

Anyway, the boat looks amazing and is closely aligned with my own personal aesthetics.  I find it interesting that John practically talks us out of building it after extolling all of its virtues.  As much as I like the PocketShip, I prefer the lines of this one.

With respect to the "god-damned engine", it reminds me of a buddy's Albin Vega who had a one-cylinder hand-cranked diesel.  This design reminds me of a modern version of an Aries 32 I once helped restore.  Good times...

RE: The Most Peculiar Client

   Beautiful writing about a beautiful design.

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