Currently have two Lt 17 and looking to start another kayak. Last year I built a shearwater hybryd and donated it (Never go it wet my Wife told me I crazy for not taking it out once,hind sight? ) .Wondering how the shearwater compairs to the Lt17.Stability,speed rolling.
RE: LT 17 compaired to Shearwater
» Submitted by Fishbuster - Tue, 4/29/08 » 4:18 AM
Glenn, I do not consider the Shearwater to be a stable boat. Intermediate hull.
After this week I will be able to give a more detailed review. I used it the first time the day after finishing it last week and it was totally howling out there with 20 knot winds and whitecaps in some areas. The boat did try to toss me once.
Yes, you should have tested your boat out! Now you must 'wonder'.