Skerry Fiberglass

Ok, I'm currently building a Skerry and have what may be a dumb question, but I want to make sure I'm on the right track.  I'm about to do the exterior fiberglass and according to the instructions, after glassing the entire bottom of the hull up to the lap between panels 1 and 2 and applying a coat of epoxy, I'll put a 4" wide strip along each stem, from the bottom panel to the sheer.  If I'm reading that right, I'm going to have two layers of cloth part way up each stem.  Do I have that right?  Is it ok to have the cloth doubled up?

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RE: Skerry Fiberglass

Doubled (or more) cloth is a standard thing in fiberglass construction. Some layups have a half dozen layers. More layers add strength and abrasion resistance. They also add weight and consume epoxy, so don't add more layers than the instructions call for, but do add every layer that the instructions specify.

Have fun,



RE: Skerry Fiberglass


Got it, thanks for the help!

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