West River 162 w/o instructions

Hi all!

I was fortunate enough to acquire an old unbuilt West River 162 (pre-2000?). My exciting 1st build and it will keep me home! It included a 2010 ‘Chesapeake 16’ assembly manual and 1997 ‘Chesapeake 16’ blueprints. I have epoxied the scarfs on the #1s (keel?), #2s & #3s. #4 not yet. #1s were stack glued, the other sets ‘carefully’ built mirrored off a string but each varies 2” from its mate over its length. I’m frozen in fear now. 

What is the reference curve and sequence for building chines 2,3,4? If I’m off they might need rescarfing or #4 trimmed to compensate. I’ll keep reading and studying. 


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RE: West River 162 w/o instructions

Send me an email, [email protected]

We had a recent inquiry about an aged West River kit (might have been yours) and we turned the house upside down, but all copies of the West River 162 manual seem to have disappeared in the 18 years since it was discontinued.

I think I have diagrams for assembling the planking, however.

RE: West River 162 w/o instructions

   I still enjoy my West River 162 I built around 2001.  I have the plans hanging in my shop, I will look around for the instruction book, It's likely that I have it, I just need to locate it.  If I find it I would be happy to send you a copy.  Best of luck!


RE: West River 162 w/o instructions

  Thank you Rmpater, I am excited about this build, & sadly have the time. It looks as if I can use the included 'Chesapeake 16' book & just factor in a 3 chine side, maybe. Important is that the narrow 3pc. chines are built correctly curved, from the plans. I could mail you a pre-paid tube, compensation, a bubble envelope, and a promise of returning them undamaged. I'll even include a copy of my kayaking book and a link to my paddling blog of SW Washington. 

RE: West River 162 w/o instructions

i built the West River 180 from a similar vintage kit  - i apologize becuase i threw away the old manual several months ago when i moved as i just assumed i could get an electronic version of everything.   fwiw,  lazlo is currently building a west river 180 kit and he probably has a manual....and when he is back online (haven't seen him for a while) he is also a great resource.

the construction is very similar to the chesapeakes but there are a couple key differences (please double check these when you get the material).

as you mentioned, the there is an extra two panels per side.   symetry is always important so your left side/right side should be built on top of one another to ensure that they are symetrical.  where you will need the manual or plan is, relative to a reference line, how to ensure you line up the individual panels properly because with scarf joints as with these long pieces, they can be off but still look like smooth curves.

from an order of construction, you do the keel pieces first and then work your way up each side simultaneously.  very much like the chesapeakes.   

the next major key difference is on the west rivers, the entire inside is glassed (vs just the cockpit area of the chesapeakes).    

the sheer clamps, unlike a chesapeake get placed on the hull after the inside is glassed,

after that it is pretty much a straight up chesapeake build with respect to order of construction and build....again you will need the manual for the reference point for the back of the cockpit.

my only other strong recollection during the build is that you really want to double/triple check  your hull alignment before glueing it up.   the extra panels make it very suseptable to misalignment/winding....which means the hull is easily twisted even if all the pieces are symetrical.....it just doesn't automatically aligh itself the way a boat with fewer chines will.   i remember becuase i found out the boat was twisted after i glued it up and had to partially disasemble it, re-line it up and re-glue it.

i am sure somebody will find you the manual/reference marks and i hope my recollection is helpful.


RE: West River 162 w/o instructions

   Thank you h for your letter. This is giving me more time to learn andto build it right. For several days I thought ‘River’ and ‘Chesapeake’ parts were the same, like a car’s level of trim. The twist and interior symmetry will be checked in all ways I know, and sheer clamps later sequenced too as I learn more. Wonder if wife would notice if I was assembling a new kit instead? hmmm The more I learn the more I'm impressed.




RE: West River 162 w/o instructions

I was using my down-time given that its raining today to organize pictures....and found some pics of my west river 180 that i thought would cheer you on as you get ready for your build.  it is really a lovely, fast, roomy boat that liked to go straight....(the 162 should be a bit more maneuvarable).

and here is one a bit closer up

i did a couple things on this build to keep it light and nice that i learned from building these tortured deck boats.   but what i can share with you right now is i built without using nails in the deck and i took a router with a 1" half round blade to the lower inside facing corner of the sheer clamp to give it a nice rounded shape which saved weight and took the sharp corners off the inside.   the boat was a real looker...and a delight to paddle.

RE: West River 162 w/o instructions

AHello h, Those are beautiful graceful boats. The paint enhances them. The first photo didn't take. CLC still has a photo of the wood kit available for your 180 which indicates a reverse curve away from the keel on the 3rd & 4th plank. Yesterday I thought that meant an upward facing plank on the 4th under the deck so I shouldn't 'eyeball' a curve from the keel on all 3 planks (& pray). I heat gun seperated 1 of my 4 as described elsewhere on the forum. I am currently writing an order for plans/book for either the West River 162, 164, or 180 to proceed further. Love to build a newer kit (wonder if wife would notice?). Thank you h  

I don't see how to share images as my desk pics don't have URL's but the wood kit for your boat is still on CLC's site at: https://www.clcboats.com/modules/catalog/kit-option-detail.php?product_code=west-river-18-fast-sea-kayak-kit&id=73.  A







RE: West River 162 w/o instructions


RE: West River 162 w/o instructions


After some extensive searching, I have found the West River 162/164 Assembly manual.  I would be happy to send a copy to you or if you prefer I can simply scan it and send you a .pdf of the manual.  Sorry about the delay, 

Bob Paterson

[email protected]


RE: West River 162 w/o instructions

if you pdf it, would probably make sense to send CLC a copy as well so if it comes up again, they can send it out:)




RE: West River 162 w/o instructions

That link is for the West River 18, a completely redesigned version of the 180 designed to fix all its flaws.



RE: West River 162 w/o instructions

the main difference between the 18 which replaced  the 180 was the amount of rocker to give it some reasonable maneuvarability.

but if you did not know/how to compare them or actually see them side-by-side, the look between the 18 and 180 was pretty much identical.

as i mentioned above, while i loved my 180, it was basically a straight line machine and a real hassle to tun unless you had some stellar agressive technique.

delightful when you wanted to go straight and the water was relatively flat; awful to turn and challenging in a confused sea state.

a shorter boat by itself will improve the maneuvaribility even without the change in rocker...and while described by laszlo as 'flaws' i would not conflate that with a manifestly incorrect or broken approach.  i won enough races in it in the non-racing sea kayak classes here in maryland to prove that point.    just highly optimized for a set of conditions....you will have a great time.



RE: West River 162 w/o instructions


I have no personal experience or problem with the 180. That statement about fixing flaws was an almost verbatim quote of what John Harris said about those boats in a conversation I had with him last year. Who am I to argue with John about CLC products?


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