Finished WD-12

I finished my WD-12 last weekend, it came in at 39 lbs with the seat & rigging. I think it will be a few weeks before I get a maiden voyage. If I can figure out how to add a picture -or get the photo on the web, I will.


The deck is bright with a light blue hull that has a white stripe at the top of the hull. 



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RE: Finished WD-12


Congratulations Ralph.  I'm just about to start the varnish and paint on my Wood Duck 10 - I'm thinking about bright deck, white hull, and navy bottom.  If you can, it would be a great help to see pictures of your boat.

Many thanks.

RE: Finished WD-12

Yes Ralph - congrats and post pictures. If all else fails, you can e-mail me a few and I can host them on my server and post them for you here.

Looks like the Spring Duck hatch has started. Along with yours & Laurie's Ducks, Kim's 12 is almost ready to go and mine will hit the water in a week. Wonder how close Julie and Chris are?

Well done, Ralph, 



RE: Finished WD-12

Let's see if this photo upload will work

Completed WD-12


RE: Finished WD-12

That photo didn't work. Let's try this link

RE: Finished WD-12

Here's your picture Ralph....beautiful work!

RE: Finished WD-12

Very nice. Looks nothing like any WD12 I've seen before, completely unique finish. Good job.



RE: Finished WD-12


This is just beautiful Ralph.  I'm assuming the best sequence is varnish first, paint second?  I'm going to try something similar and this photo really helps.



RE: Finished WD-12

Thanks for the comments. Yes Laurie I varnished 1st on the deck, with some going down the sides, then painted. For the paint I did two coats of preKote & sanded (trying to even out some runs of epoxy) then two coats of blue, 2-3 of white.

 Lazlo & Mr. Kim, yours are looking good! 


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