Help you build? - near Raleigh

Need help starting a kit or finishing a kit? Near enough to Raleigh to do it in my shop? Ive got 16 builds under my belt. Now retired I can build boats inbetween the honey-to do list. Be building as a friend not a commerial enterprise. Reasonable fee to keep me in coffee and lunches... I work about 3-4 hours a day on your boat. You tell me how much you want done - start the hull? finish the fit out? Help you with the sailing bits? Thanks for looking, Dean

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RE: Help you build? - near Raleigh

   Hey dean give me a call. I have some thoughts and questions regarding your post. I'm in Hillsborough nc. Thanks Darren 9196323659.goat island skiff

RE: Help you build? - near Raleigh


Dean, please text me at 202-697-1910 so I will have your number. I'm thinking of getting a Skerry and I live up on Hyco Lake so I might take you up on your offer. Thanks, Tim



RE: Help you build? - near Raleigh

well, I'll take the Califiornia route with my lack of check back on this. It just was not meant to be at the time - so sorry to Darwood  and Semora for not checkiong in... Well I'll work on myself and see if their still interested. BTW I've got a PT11 build under my belt. So great to see CLC offering this kit boat!

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