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Has anyone swapped his or her NE lug rig for a spirit? Specifically, I'd like to use my NE as a fishing platform, drifting and occasionally ancored. I've pictured a spirit rig neatly brailed to its mast versus my lug's spars and sail lying across the thwarts always in the way of my fishy business and concluded that the latter would be a real mess. Any thoughts?
9 replies:
RE: Spirit rig for NE dory?
Yep, you can brail up the lug rig ok. It does make for some extra windage. I pulled down the sail, brought the halyard back to the ends, and I used a bit of line to tie the clew ends of boom and spar together with the halyard run through:
Then just hoist the ends up with the halyard, with the downhaul steadying the bottom of the boom:
And used a bungee to hold the bottom together on the mast:
It would be neater if I put a couple of sail ties around the bundle before hoisting. I've done this on the water w/ success when I had longer rows in flat air so I wasn't crowded by the dropped sail.
RE: Spirit rig for NE dory?
I love these brailing techniques. Great for those times when I need a bit more room!
RE: Spirit rig for NE dory?
I’m unaccountably enthusiastic about Mumm’s brailing technique. Might be an indication of what a dumpster fire 2020 has been but there you have it ;-)
Pondering, it struck me to throw a clove hitch around the boom and yard ends and not have to smoke out another bit of line. It’s a cinch to throw a clove hitch on a bight so you don’t have to have the bitter end free. Here’s a how to diagram from netknots …
RE: Spirit rig for NE dory?
Many thanks to S.S. and Mumm! The next warm-enough day I'll drag her out of the garage and give your nicely documented methods a go. Since you, S.S., have already underscored the fact that yours is in fact a northeastern, I'm now eye-balling your mizzen. I'm guessing that rig keeps her pointing nicely to windward. I see you have an A-frame boomkin attached to a removable mast partner that attaches like the kit's main partner. I will peruse all of your posts, S.S., before sending off my next submission: Mizzen for a NE dory?
RE: Spirit rig for NE dory?
I've got to try Mummichog's method on my Faering Cruiser. I've been using this while rowing it:
The downhaul is set as tight as it will go and acts as a fulcrum while the halyard pulls up the yard/boom combination until it's stopped by the hatch cover. The sheet is moved from the center of the cockpit to the mast and provides tension to counterbalance the halyard.
It works really well if there's a chance that you'll need to change back to sailing quickly and you don't have to stand up in the boat, but Mummichog's method looks really well-suited for an entire day of rowing in a multi-day expedition.
RE: Spirit rig for NE dory?
Well a'int this the best use of a forum! Very clever lads!
TeeDog, post any questions on Lug Yawl build/sail questions in a new thread. I'll post pics and do my best but I suspect you'll be better served by Mark N and Grumpy Michael. Mark sails a lug yawl Goat Island Skiff and Michael has a shocking amount of experience articulately presented.
I’d hope to gain as much from the new thread as this one.
RE: Spirit rig for NE dory?
Would you be interested in trading your lug rig for my skerry sprit rig? I've set it up for easy brailing, In excellent condition.
RE: Spirit rig for NE dory?
» Submitted by Silver Salt - Tue, 12/15/20 » 10:07 AM
Can’t speak to your sprit rig question but it is quite possible to bundle the lug and brail it up to your mast with it’s halyard…
A little harder to see here but it's full height.
And yes, this is Northeaster Dory ;-)