CLC Chesapeake Triple kit--Free

Mid-90's CLC Triple kit started: hull assembled, two layers glass, no additional progress. Complete kit, but weathered; may need some replacements. Includes instruction book. Call 410-703-0582. Annapolis area.

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RE: CLC Chesapeake Triple kit--Free

   Interested, but much wife convincing may be needed, just finished first boat and have not taken her out yet.

Is the Hull completed to 21' length? I may have to consider how to transport this as well.

Don't hold out for me, feel free to give it to the first person who picks her up, but do contact me.


RE: CLC Chesapeake Triple kit--Free


I'll take it. Can you give me particulars on how "weathered" it is and are you saying it might need some panels replaced?


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