poor adhesion on onlay causing bubble

 Has anyone  had a problem with the sun (heat) causing a bubble under an onlay and is there a way of fixing it? Can i some how get epoxy under without too much damage?



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RE: poor adhesion on onlay causing bubble

I have done this with vaneer on furniture, not had the same issue with onlays but should work.  Use a syringe to inject some glue underneath the onlay, then using saran warp or wax paper put some weight on top to "clamp" it down.


They are cheaper if you know someone in the medical field... I usually just "borrow" one from my vet when he is visiting the barn.

RE: poor adhesion on onlay causing bubble

I just wanted to add a caution here. Possession of the needles for such syringes in the manner described, or via purchase from an online woodworking supplier, is a felony in several states.

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