
Inhave built a 14 kahalo and skerry already.  I cannot conch the bow because the first frame appears to wise.  If i cinch it will crack the plywood for sure.   

Can someone share dimensions of the number one frame and the position of the holes on the sideboards?  I believe i recieved the frames for the 14 foot board but am building a 12 foot one.  The holes drilled are in the middle of the side board va on bottom to cinch the notch.  And my stern piece is not notched.  Maybe i got a blended kit half 12 and half 14?  Scratching my head ...



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RE: Kahalo

 I built a 12.5 hybrid for my bride a couple of years ago.  The board is complete so I cannot give you exact measurements.  The side stitch holes are located ~17.5" back from the tip of the bow, measured at the shear (deck).  The width of the boat at that location is ~10.5" at the deck so the frame itself should be about 10" at the deck.

The 12.5 does not have a notched plywood transom piece.  See picture page 34 of the manual.

It is possible but unlikely that you got a mixed kit.  If you have questions, give CLC a call during normal business hours and they will help you out.


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