Searching the forums?

Did I miss something or have we lost the search function on the forums?  The site search doesn't return any forum hits for things I know are in the forum (my name for example) and I can't seem to find a link in the forum page itself.  Am I an idiot or is this functionality gone?



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RE: Searching the forums?

Also the "return to forums" link only shows up if there has been at least one reply to a post. 

Other little things I've noticed, and it may just be me, sometimes clicking on older posts only reloads the list instead of taking you to the post.  Some links seem to point to the builder's forum instead of where the link suggests (may be an issue within the post itself though.) 

Anyone else see any of these issues? 

RE: Searching the forums?

I'm experiencing the same problems.  I sure miss the ability to search.

RE: Searching the forums?

In the interim, I've been using Ron Paro's suggestion from a few months ago. Since I don't know how to link messages, I've copied part of his answer:

 If you want to search just the forum (including the archives), you can use Google's advanced search and type in the site, or just enter a search phrase like this in the standard Google Search page:

Mill Creek site:

 This will result in searching the forum pages for the words, "Mill" and "Creek".

Hope this helps! - Ron

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