can you second coat Minwax?

Can i recoat if i catch it when still a bit tacky, or do i have to let dry the sand again?and is it necessary to 'tip out' it seems to be laying down better just rolled on with the foam rollers i am using

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RE: can you second coat Minwax?

To get a quality varnish finish with adequate UV protection you'll need 4 or more coats of varnish, regardless of what brand of varnish you use. See the following CLC Shop TIP on finishing for best results:

 Good luck.  Jer

RE: can you second coat Minwax?

I use Minwaw for most of my outdoor projects and recommend that you wait until the first coat dries before recoating.  Some varnishes allow you to recoat while the first coat is tacky but not Minwax.  You end up with a "rubbery" topcoat and sometimes an "orange peel" finish.  Sand lightly and recoat.  As Jerry says, four coats would be a minimum.

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