Mill Creek 16.5 cockpit cover

Does anyone have a design for a cockpit/travel cover to fit a Mill creek 16.5. Or maybe know of where one could be purchased? It would be nice to leave all the gear covered in the boat when stored.



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RE: Mill Creek 16.5 cockpit cover

Are you talking a cockpit cover or an entire boat cover?

Keep in mind that when gear (especially paddles), is stored in the boat while traveling it moves around and may scratch the cockpit interior. That said, some padding will take care of that problem.


RE: Mill Creek 16.5 cockpit cover

hey there - I am in the same boat as you (yuck yuck yuck)....need a cockpit cover - I have not tried to see if there is one that fits commercially, but as you can vary the width of the boat regarding, I have lost hope of finding one that would be off the shelf.  That being said, my build was at the outer limits for width during the build - I was a porker and amusingly I have lost enough weight that I could have made the boat much slimmer. As a note, I am using the MC 16.5 as a kayak. I have been ruminating over this for the past few months and what I think what I am going to do is to install stainless steel snaps on the cowling every 4-6 inches and then on the deck between where the cowling ends at the stern.  I am fortunate that my spouse is a darn good seamstress (and a kayak fanatic since age 5 or so), so I will rely on her to assist with the creation.  On the bright side, on the way home from paddling in Lake Superior we drove through a torrential downpour and by the time we got home, had about 3 inches of water in the boat and no issues were notices. Used a standard manual bilge pump do to evacuate the water - did not take long and also served as a way to remove sand from the inside of the boat.  Will post results when we get the cover created, installed, and tested with a long trip on top fo the car....  Stay tuned.

RE: Mill Creek 16.5 cockpit cover

   Hi Guys, Thanks for replying. Lazlo, I am after a full cockpit cover.               Romain, what you describe is eactly what I am thinking of. I only have one suggestion and that is you will need at lest one "STAY" to support the cover so it does not fill with water and "implode". I also own a "Sea Pearl 21" that uses a cover exactly as you descibe, it uses two wood stays and snaps around the coaming. But I hardly ever use it because the boat came with the OEM custom two piece fiberglass cockpit cover that is bullet proof and super secure, great for storage/ travel but not so great for crusing/sailing. I just now realized maybe a hard top would work on the M.C.  ?????




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