Staining epoxy

Greetings!!.. Refinishing my SnG Night Heron and have some fade spots showing up after sanding. Does anyone have any tricks for staining overtop of the epoxy to get an even color back?.. thx in advance!



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RE: Staining epoxy

  If you're not going to sand to bare wood and stain the wood, you can add alcohol-based stain to epoxy. I always mix the epoxy well first, then add the stain, then finish mixing. A little goes a long way. This does add a very slight bit of opacity to the stain, but hardly noticeable in thin coatings.  I've never had any problems with this mixture hardening up just fine.

Getting a color match is hard to do. I've had to exipiriment during several builds and repiairs. You might try some practice pieces.  Whether re-staining the bare wood itself, or using this colored stain over already sealed wood, whenever you to try to color match adjacent already-finished wood, things never seem to end up "perfect" - but with some practice will pass the 10 ft. test.

I'm in the middle of this process right now (adding partial (2 ft long)) lapstrake panel "splices" to the top two panels on my NE dory. Working on the color match will be a part of the project. I stained the inside of the boat (painted the outside) during the initial build.  Lighting struck a big gum tree, and a big 10 inch diameter branch came down on the boat a couple feet forward of the aft seat. Smashed through the gunwale and top two strakes on one side, like a giant shark bite.  Fixing this is taking some creative engineering, but I've enough leftover materials from my other builds that I didn't have to buy anything. 

RE: Staining epoxy

i have applied stain over epoxy in refinishing a stained boat with decent results.

i had sanded down through the epoxy/glass into a stained surface.

i reapplied the stain into the 'patch' and used some alcohol to blend it in so the new stain was back into the hole i had sanded plus the adjacent glassed surface which had been roughed up.

once i got it matched as good as i could, i put a quick coat of epoxy over the stain to lock it into place.....and let it cure....and then finished up my repair/glass work.


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