Attaching a member by resin to a boat that has been varnished already, I assume the varnish must be sanded off first to get good adhesion. How does one distinguish between resin and varnish? In other words, has sanded down to the resin.
I use Schooner varnish over epoxy and when I wet sand it with #400 paper, it has a soapy feel until all the varnish is gone. The smell also changes when I get to the epoxy. Don't know if this works on other varnishes but it's really reliable with Schooner..
RE: resin vs varnish looks
» Submitted by Laszlo - Fri, 8/30/24 » 6:55 AM
I use Schooner varnish over epoxy and when I wet sand it with #400 paper, it has a soapy feel until all the varnish is gone. The smell also changes when I get to the epoxy. Don't know if this works on other varnishes but it's really reliable with Schooner..