paint then varnish, varnish then paint??

I have my Millcreek 16.5 ready for the final step, the finish. I'll be overlapping the paint from the hull to the deck about an inch with paint and varnishing the deck. i have my fineline tape, my interlux primer and paint and the most expensive quart of varnish that exists in the universe. So, paint then varnish or varnish then paint.  bring on the advice.



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RE: paint then varnish, varnish then paint??

I varnished 1st, then overlapped the paint onto the varnish.


RE: paint then varnish, varnish then paint??

I followed the aussies advice...sorry Ralph. i layed on my 1st coat of interlux pre-coat, i'll sand tonight and see how it looks. plans are to have this thing wet by Memorial day. we have a fine lake "Lacamas Lake" here just prime for a new CLC boat to make its maiden voyage.



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