Wood Duck 12 launched in Germany

Hello dear CLC friends,

here i would like to announce the launching of my Wood Duck 12 on 24th Oct 2009. 

I live in Ahrensburg, Germany near Hamburg.

The kayak was built from CLC plans, which ipurchased via the European distributor.
Built began 29th Dec 2008 with the first cut of plywood panels.  The process of building was slow -compared with others. However in between i have to earn the money for the leisure time.
Nevertheless i am proud of the final result.
she paddles well , and I am very satisfied with her performance. All troubles , doubts and enerving things during building are forgotten.

Where can I post some photos of my kayak ?

 Keep on building

Reinhold Heller

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RE: Wood Duck 12 launched in Germany

Congratulations Reinhold!

I haven't posted photos here either, but you need to upload them somewhere else online, then post the address/URL here.  Your internet provider may have given you some free space online, or you can use a free service like tinypic.com.

Please do post some photos.  I'm working on a Wood Duck 12 myself, and could use all the examples I can get.

Enjoy your new boat!

RE: Wood Duck 12 launched in Germany


If all else fails, you can e-mail them to me and I'll host them for you.


Have you seen Building a Wood Duck 12 ?(he said in a shameless piece of self-advertisement).



RE: Wood Duck 12 launched in Germany


Thanks for the link...but I've already been through your build log several times!  I've made note of your deviations from plans and will take them into account as I'm finding my way.  Your filleting technique looks good, and I'll be starting that within the next few days. 

RE: Wood Duck 12 launched in Germany

Hallo Scratch and Lazlo,

many thanks for your advice and support for posting photos of my 'juan popa del pata"  (= ron duck tail).  i will follow the advice. 

Lazlo, thanks also for the link to your Wood Duck. some month ago I had found the blog incidentally, but lost it  again. 
Your description of the  crakc in  the stern a area of the bottom panels  were very hlepful for me. If this happens with a kit built boat, it ensured me that I was still on the right path with my working from plans. I had supposed that the effect came from some inaccuracies of my transferring the patterns from the plan to the plypanels.

Independently from your approach i came to  the conclusion to enforce the bow and stern parts with some doubling of material.

Different to you  i did not use any prefabricated metal or plastic  fittings. I made the footbraces -saw tooth type- from plywood. The hooks and eyes on deck as well as fore and aft handles are made from walnut veneers with  maple layers as deco.  The Cockpit coaming is veneered with indian apple wood. 

for the comming winter i plan to make  a fine seat and paddles .

all the best


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