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shearwater 17 hybrid deck form spacing
I am fitting the temporary forms into the hull and have some issues/questions. For the most part the forms fit at one foot spacing except for certain spots. I installed the permanent bulkheads to the hull at the positions that the hole for the wires were drilled. I am finding that if I am to put form6 at one foot spacing it puts the form forward of the bulkhead. The instructions call for this form to be on the cockpit side of the bulkhead. Also, with the cockpit form keyed to forms 8,9,10 and 10.5 it wants to butt up against the aft bulkhead and the forms are not at one foot spacing. Is this clear as mud?
3 replies:
RE: shearwater 17 hybrid deck form spacing
» Submitted by Dan Thaler - Sun, 12/6/09 » 1:48 PM
Here are links to a couple of pictures. Hopefully this will help. I am having issues posting pix directly from my mac