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While waiting for the cold weather to get out of here(San Antonio) before I start on my WD 10 kit I am looking ahead and have some questions about the end pour. I do want to put some sort of toggles on both ends. What are some do's and dont's. Or general hints about this process.
Coach C
3 replies:
RE: End pour
For my WD12 I used a scrap piece of 3/4" plywood that I shaped & attached under the deck in the stern. I screwed a pad eye into that that I attached a rope handle to. For the bow I did a small end pour but used a lot of micro ballons to make it light & use less epoxy. - Ralph
RE: End pour
I skipped the endpours entirely on my WD12 and went with stem & stern pieces bedded in epoxy/woodflour putty. They're roughly shaped pieces of scrap wood (no joinery needed) that are lighter than, but at least as strong as the endpours. Click on the picture to go to a full description of the process.
Have fun,
RE: End pour
» Submitted by twofootartist - Mon, 12/7/09 » 7:35 PM
Take a look at my Shearwater construction notes at to see how I used a minimal end pour to secure conventional toggles. I have used this system on two boats now and find it works very well. -Wes