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What are the pros and cons of glassing the deck of my 17'?
I am getting near the point of finishing the deck. Is it necessary to glass the deck? What are the advantages and disadvantages of glassing the deck?
6 replies:
RE: What are the pros and cons of glassing the deck of my 17'?
I suggest you run a search of the forum's archives, as this subject comes up pretty often. Glassing the deck isn't necessary, and some people don't. Glassing the deck adds a little weight and cost, but -- and in my opinion this is a big "but" -- strengthens the deck and, more important, protects the relatively thin wood of the deck from all sorts of abuse. I glassed the decks of both my boats, and I'm glad I did.
RE: What are the pros and cons of glassing the deck of my 17'?
Thanks so much Laslo & Ken for your quick replies. I am going for the 'glassed' look as I think your advice about durability & strength sells me.
Ken, I did search the forum for this question, but it came up with 328 posts, and my quick review of the first pages had unrelated info & it would take many hours if not days to read each unrelated post in search of my answer. I don't know how to find the specific posts - maybe I am missing something.
RE: What are the pros and cons of glassing the deck of my 17'?
If you haven't already discovered it, laying up 4oz glass is much easier/cleaner than the 6oz you used on the hull..., it wets out very quickly and easily, and conforms to the surface with less effort. For the miniscule added weight and the additional strength/protection, definitely worth it. Good choice to glass it.
My 17 is nearing the paint stage... can't wait!!!
Good luck,
RE: What are the pros and cons of glassing the deck of my 17'?
Runriverrun --
I'm guessing you meant me when you wrote "Ken," so I'll answer ....
It looks to me like you ran your query on the "search" option on the upper center of the forum, and sure enough, that doesn't produce much on this topic. Run the same query on the "search archives" option to the right of that, which gets you 2008 and older forum discussions, and you'll have more luck. I suppose that's because this particular question had been discussed at length, and mostly settled, prior to late 2008. Anyway, go to the arcives and search on "glassing decks" and you'll find several threads, including ones in March of '05 ("Glassing deck-or not?"), November '07 ("Glassing deck") and Sept. '04 ("Glassing deck"). Hope this helps.
For what it's worth, I agree with Larry about using the 4 oz. on the deck.
RE: What are the pros and cons of glassing the deck of my 17'?
Yes, I meant you, Jim - sorry! But your advice is appreciated. I did search the archives, but for some different issues as my mind is made up to glass the deck.
I adopted a half-finished, somewhat altered design of a Chesapeake 17. So there are a few issues around fitting things around this altered design. I will soon post a question about the location of the cockpit - the rear bulkhead was not place according to plans.
Thanks also to you, Larry. Good luck on your finish work!
RE: What are the pros and cons of glassing the deck of my 17'?
» Submitted by Laszlo - Mon, 12/28/09 » 8:01 PM
Glassing makes it more durable and easier to finish.
Glassing adds a small amount of weight and costs a bit more than not glassing it.
I'd glass it.