Need a little help or your opinion with an idea please

I am building a Northeast Dory.  I am to the point where  I have completed my puzzle joints, sanded same and have now sticked the thwarts and lap strakes together.  I am now checking the hull for twist. And plan to turn her over to begin the "glueing".  Is it a good or bad idea to Tack weld all the thwarts and panels before turning the hull over?  I am concerned that turning her over without making the hull stiff may induce some twist.  

I appreciate your responses and look forward to hearing some ideas on this.

Thanks a Ton -the "old Phoneman in VA"

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RE: Need a little help or your opinion with an idea please

Dear Old,

Don't install the thwarts (seats) before the hull is glued up. The frames (bulkheads) should be wired into place but not glued before turning it over on two level sawhorses to true the hull. You really can't true the hull and turn it over and expect it to stay true. But you DO have to have two level sawhorses to make sure there's no twist. Make sure they're perpendicular to the centerline, put them three feet or so from bow and stern (one just in front of frame 1 and one between frames 3 and 4) and use a plumb line to ensure the bow is perpendicular to the floor. Your hull should be fair and true. Tack the panels together, pull the wires and fill in the panel joints with wood flour mix. Wait 24 hours then flip it over and glue in the frames. 

Enjoy the build, it's a fun one!

George K 

RE: Need a little help or your opinion with an idea please



Thanks, thats what I will do.  And you are correct this has been a lot of fun so far.  The transom was a "little bit" of a pain to get like I wanted it.  But it finally came around.  I resisted buying a KIT from CLC for many a year.  Boy what a mistake.  I used plans and built another internet companys kayak. And I have built 2 very basic skiffs.  But this boat kit takes a lot of the difficulty out of the process.  I know for some folks the challenge of doing it from scratch is important.  But for a senior citizen like me it has been a real hoot and I cannot wait to splash this baby.

 Bruce T  AKA old phoneman

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