Shopcam on a mac?

Anyone else here mac people? I've tried repeatedly over a number of months and have never gotten a picture from the shopcam. I just presumed it was broken and forgotten about untill others started commenting on it.



Thanks. :) 


-- James

7 replies:

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RE: Shopcam on a mac?

Ditto - Macbook user.

RE: Shopcam on a mac?

I had the same problem on my PC, until I got a prompt from Microsoft to download a piece of software. Now it works fine. I don't know, however, about macs. Maybe you could ask Apple. -Wes

RE: Shopcam on a mac?

I am in the same boat, I use a Mac and have never been able to get Shopcam to work.  Perhaps CLC could change the format to something that is universally accessible.  

RE: Shopcam on a mac?

ok, a little bit of view-source love, and a little moving around, and this link seems to work on my mac, and show me what the shopcam sees.

can anyone else verify? 

Thanks. :) 


-- James

RE: Shopcam on a mac?

Yup, that works on this macbook. Thanks for the link

RE: Shopcam on a mac?

It appears to be working on my iMac as well. I tried downloading the Windows app to run Media Player but never could get it to work. 

Is one of the Matts at CLC responsible for the link? If so Mr. Harris should give him a raise!

George K 

RE: Shopcam on a mac?

It's entirely possible, as I know matt is involved with the website. He's sent me email with direct answers to questions I posed on the forums before. He's one of the people that make this such a great company.


-- James

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