Foot brace holes

I have a problem and a solution.  Just want to make sure I have the best solution.  I am changing foot braces.  Old are plastic and forgiving where the holes are located.  The new metal are more picky.  My hole is 1/8" off. 

Should I back this with glass and fill the hole with wood flour/epoxy?  Then re drill? 


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RE: Foot brace holes

Mabe fill the holes and istall the new braces on blocks to avoid going through the hull again.

RE: Foot brace holes

I would drill the hole bigger, fill it in, the redrill. We don't want the wood wicking in water. If this makes for too big a patch, yes, a piece of glass cloth wouldn't hurt for backing, extra strength.

RE: Foot brace holes

ChrisJ, what did you use for thickener for your fillets?  I don't think I've ever seen any that light before.  Did you use bleached cooking flour or something?

RE: Foot brace holes

Secret recipe of seven herbs and, really it's my combination of West System filles....some colloidal silica, some micro fibers and a pinch of micoballoon for bit of colour.  Go to  for more details on thier products.  The potion I came up with applies real smooth with no lumps and I like the blended look as opposed to the stark dark brown of just wood flour.  Here's a better look at the MC16.5 interior.


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